Plants are living organisms that live in the ground and make their own food. They can have leaves, flowers, and/or fruit, and they need water and sunlight to thrive. Plants are also responsible for the oxygen in the air we breathe. We all know this, but did you know that plants are beneficial to your health in many more ways?
Health Benefits of Plants in Your Home
Air Quality
If plants are beneficial to the air outdoors, then they must be beneficial to the air indoors as well, right? While they are not as effective as the great outdoors itself, certain plants have been shown to improve indoor air quality. The spider plant is probably one of the most well-known indoor plants because it can cleanse the air of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, both of which are known to be toxic to the human body in large amounts. The snake plant and other succulents are also known to cleanse the air of toxins.
Essential oils are very popular in this day and age. They are pressed from the leaves of plants. Lavender is pretty well-known for its calming properties and can help you to get a better night’s sleep. On the other hand, studies have shown that rosemary can help increase your concentration. Consider a rosemary plant in your home office and a lavender plant in your bedroom.
Aesthetically Pleasing
Plants are just gorgeous in general. The Boho design is notorious for using succulents and other plants as a part of the decor. They add a touch of nature to any room of your home. The beauty of nature has a calming effect on us, therefore reducing things like stress and anxiety.
Health Benefits of Plants Outside Your Home
There are many more benefits of indoor plants, but having plants right outside of your home can be beneficial too. For example, indoor air quality not only relates to the quality of air inside your home but also the air quality around your home.
Planting Trees
Some people may have dozens of trees in their yard, while others may only have one. If you live in an area where there might be a lot of air pollution, then planting some extra trees in your yard (if you are able to) can help drastically improve the air quality around your home.
Studies have shown that pines and other cone-bearing trees are the most effective at clearing heavy air pollution. Because these trees can grow pretty tall, dwarf conifers are a more popular choice for yards and gardens. They are more often found in cooler areas, but diversity in the species allows for some to grow in warmer climates as well.
The same plants used inside of your home can also be grown in a garden outside of your home. By planting aromatic plants, you can easily turn your backyard into an oasis. Some plants, like rosemary, are natural pesticides, helping to ward off unwanted pests from the rest of your garden. They are a great natural alternative to traditional pesticides and herbicides that have been known to cause cancer and other health issues. In fact, the popular herbicide Roundup is the center of litigation for serious health issues. Many people are looking at their options to file lawsuits against the manufacturers.
The act of gardening itself is also known to be a stress reliever. Gardening is a nurturing activity, which has a positive effect on mental health— especially for victims of trauma.
Of course, you want your home to be aesthetically pleasing, but why stop there? The way you decorate your home can also have health benefits incorporated into it. The health impacts don’t have to stop with the inside of your home. Whether you have a garden, a big backyard, or just a simple front lawn, there are several things you can do to create a beautiful and healthy outdoor space. The health benefits from plants positively impact our physical health, as well as our mental well-being.