We use water to shower or for washing clothes and dishes. Hot water is an indispensable part of everyday life. An electric tankless water heater is one of the most energy-efficient options. It will meet your home’s hot water needs. But finding the right one might require you explore different options. Before you set out, you should check out reviews of different products. You will require essential tips provided by the Electric Tankless Water Heater Review site. It will help you determine electric water heater cost.

* Gas and Electric Tankless Water Heater Review:

Gas and Electric Tankless Water Heater
Image by: Flickr

When shopping for tankless heaters, there are certain important points. You must keep these points in mind. Many different types of electric tankless water heater are available. So, it is essential to get help in this regard. It will  narrow down your options and eventually make the right choice. Here are some important factors about a tankless water heater installation. you may also install electric tankless water heater yourself.

* Consider Fuel:

A tankless water heater fuels itself either by electricity or gas. It is an important factor to consider when choosing a water heater. This is because each has merits and demerits.

Gas units fuel themselves either by propane or natural gas. It is typically a less expensive fueling option compared to electricity. They are making it a more economical choice. This is as compared to the electric tankless water heater installation cost. Tankless Water Heaters are also a bit more efficient than the electric heaters.

However, though gas is  more economical, an electric tankless water heater is generally cheaper to purchase. Venting is another major disadvantage of gas heaters. Because of venting issues, gas-powered heaters cannot be used. This is when you don’t have sufficient space. They are also larger than their electric-powered counterparts.

Installation proves more complicated for a gas powered unit. Especially when space is an issue, you might have to go for outdoor installation. Or, spend money in setting up extra ventilation and gas pipes to install the gas heaters indoors. Electric heaters are also prone to combustion which makes them a more reliable alternative.

Your final choice depends on personal preferences and the availability of fueling options. A gas powered unit will be advisable if space is not a barrier. Also, fuel should be readily available. However, the area may be a barrier and you don’t mind power costs. Then you might want to look at an electrically powered unit instead.

* Water Consumption:

Another important factor you should consider before purchasing tankless water heaters. This is to see how much water you will be using at any given time. Choosing a heater that cannot handle your home water supply needs means you might end up with cold water.

Calculate how much hot water each of your household fixtures will use. Possibly, you may operate many of them simultaneously. It will help you determine the flow rate. It is measured in GPM or gallons per minute. Once you should determine the flow rate of each of your household fixtures like shower, dishwasher, etc. You can then add each of these flow rates together. Now you can determine the flow rate of your tankless water heater before purchasing it. Generally, it depends on the size of your household and how much water you use.

The Tankless Water Heaters are rated in BTU. It stands for British thermal unit. This determines the flow rate of the heater. BTU is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of water by one degree. Thus, the higher the flow rate of your home, the higher the BTU of the heater.

Generally, you will need a heater with a BTU rating of 31,000. You want this to deliver 1.2GPM of hot water. Also, you will need up to 190,000BTU for a flow rate of 5.7. This value also varies depending on the incoming water temperature. However, we will  discuss it later.

* Water Temperature:

Another factor is the average temperature of water. This is which your heater has to warm up. It varies from one region to the other depending on the climate. You can determine how much work your heater has to do. You can do so by observing the temperature difference. This difference is between the water in pipes and the desired hot water temperature. Mostly, you will wish your tankless water heater to raise the temperature to about 105–115°F.

* Energy Efficiency:

Another point to consider is the efficiency rating of your tankless water heater. It’s important if you are concerned about your energy consumption. The efficiency rating of your heater indicates how much of the fuel is converted to heat. Generally, the higher the efficiency rating, the better the Unit performs. In most cases, the efficiency ratings vary from 78 to 87%.

* Conclusion:

Choosing the right electric tankless water heater depends on a combination of factors. You have to put all of these factors into consideration. For example, you use two showers in your home. Each has a flow rate of 2.6 gpm. The temperature of the water supplied to your home is 50°. Now, you want to raise temperature to 104. You have to raise your heater’s capacity. Ensure that your electric tankless water heater has a capacity of at least 5.3 GPM. Also, it must be able to produce a minimum temperature rise. This rise may be of 50 degrees for optimum performance. Only when calculated this way, you can truly determine the right type of heater.

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