When you are living in a small house, you can sometimes have problems with the amount of light that you get in the rooms. Sometimes that’s because the rooms are small, and you don’t have enough window space, but other times, it’s because of the amount of furniture you have. However, fear not! Below are some creative ways that you can make your small room look and feel bright and light.

Increase the Window Space

window spaceImage Source: Pexels

For small homes, one of the biggest challenges is getting enough light to illuminate your rooms. Although you can use artificial light, there is nothing better than using natural light to add a warm, welcoming glow to the room. To make this possible, you need to increase the size of your windows to allow more light to enter. For modern homes, this can be achieved by installing bigger windows. However, for homes that are old and protected, this can become a problem. If you don’t have the space to increase the size of your existing windows, you can always add additional smaller windows instead. There is also another option you have, and that is to add a skylight into the roof. If you have open beams, then this will be easier. Otherwise, you might need to think about raising the ceiling and opening it up to the room space. You also have the added benefit of creating a larger space.

Add More Lighting

lighting in roomImage Source: Maxpixel

For those rooms that don’t have any natural light and where windows are not an option, you need to think about how you can use light to compensate. One option is to add more lights to the room, but subtly, so they are not too overpowering. Add some lamps to the tables or think about adding wall lamps if you are short of table space. You can also experiment with the types of light you use, such as a warmer LED or fluorescent light instead of a high wattage bulb. Using dimmer switches is another way to add light, but in an atmospheric way, as it will be especially warm in the evenings.

Add Opaque Materials to the Walls

Another solution for the rooms with no windows is to replace the traditional wall materials with opaque materials. By doing this, you are allowing light from the adjoining rooms to flood into the room, while still maintaining privacy. One material that has been a popular choice in the past is glass bricks. These are frosted so that they cannot be seen through, but because they are made completely of glass, they allow a lot of light into the room. Some people also add lighting to the ceiling of the glass walls to add light to both rooms. Adding glass walls can become an expensive process, especially if you need to remove walls to do so. It might mean that you need to take out a no credit check loan to help you fund the project.

Use Mirrors Wisely

use larger mirrorsImage Source: Wikimedia

Mirrors are more than simply a way to check out your reflection; they can also add a different dimension to your room. If you have a room that doesn’t have a lot of natural light, then you can add a mirror to help reflect the light you have back into the room. If you place the mirrors in the right way, you can also make the room look bigger as well. You want to try and use larger mirrors if possible as this will do both jobs a lot better than small ones. To make it look part of the room, find a frame that fits in with the room. If you paint the frame the same color as the walls, it will make it look part of the wall. Or, you can make a statement and paint it a contrasting color. If you have the room on a shelf in front, then place a lamp, so the light is reflected back into the room from the mirror.

Add Metallics

In a similar way to the mirrors, using metallics in your room can make a dull room shine a lot more. As well as using metallic light fittings, you can also add metallic cushions or ones with sequins and also metallic artwork to the walls if you have space. You also have the added benefit of making the room look more luxurious. If you are a fan of modern looks, then you could also change your furniture to metal frames. These give you a cleaner look and will also reflect the light like a mirror.

Minimize Furniture and Clutter

living room furniture ideasImage Source: Maxpixel

Sometimes the furniture you have in the room can cause you to lose a lot of light, especially if the furniture is dark. To counter this, you should try to remove any items you don’t need so that the light is reflected more off the walls. The same applies to clutter; if you have a lot of piled up paperwork or books, then this can also absorb light and make the room feel and look darker. Another idea is to try and remove furniture from in front of the windows so that you get the most light possible coming into the room.

Remove Outside Obstructions

Sometimes the reasons you aren’t getting enough light isn’t only because of what’s inside the room, but also what’s outside. If you have trees or bushes outside the room that are covering the windows, then try to trim them back to allow in more light. If a tree is causing a big problem, then you might have to consider removing the tree or relocating it to another part of the garden. You also want to think ahead when planting new shrubs around the outside of the house.

These are only a few of the many ways you can try to get more light into your home. Other options could include adding more tactful lighting, using brighter colors on the walls and changing to lighter furniture. With these tricks, even the smallest homes can get more light coming in and make them feel less claustrophobic.

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