Tiny living comes with lots of benefits, but there’s one thing every tiny homer owner has in common, and that’s a lack of space. If you’re considering trying on the tiny living aesthetic for your life, consider these space-saving tips before you go picking out your dream home.
Overhead Lighting
You may not think anything of the floor lamp you use for reading every night, but in a tiny house, space is at a premium. Overhead lighting beneath cabinets and in major sitting areas can help you liven up the place with light without compromising on space. LED strip kits can be had at any home improvement store or Amazon, making this a cheap option for getting more lighting in your tiny home.
Maximize Your Loft Space
For tiny homes aiming to hit the under 200 square feet footprint, a loft is almost necessary. It can be a great place to store extra items like winter blankets and jackets, but it’s also an ideal place to put your bed to keep it out of the way. Most tiny homes come with a loft that will support a mattress with a bit of extra space for a smaller nightstand. You can custom build shelving options to help you store things you won’t need every day but that you still want to have available when the time comes. When planning your dream tiny home, remember to keep your budget manageable, too. There’s nothing better to help you understand the importance of on-time mortgage payments than threats from the bank to foreclose on your dream home. Remember to calculate the cost of any improvements you make shortly after you move in to help you determine the actual cost of tiny home living.
Stick with Bright Colors and White Tones
Most tiny homes clock in at under 200 square feet in space, so it’s important to maximize that space as much as you can. Sticking with light colors and white decor will help the space seem that much bigger. You should also have a high window-to-wall ratio to let in as much natural light as possible. White paint is harder to keep clean so consider something like a white tile backsplash in the kitchen to help define your cooking area while keeping the rest of the house separate from the kitchen’s decor.
Stair Storage is Your Savior
If you have a set of stairs leading up to your loft, you should consider the storage options that are possible with a set of custom stairs. You can treat this space as a pantry, bookshelves, shoe storage, closet storage, or any number of everyday essentials that should be hidden away from every day viewing. Some stairs even have custom steps that serve as lids for extra storage compartments.
Sliding Doors are Big Space Savers
Instead of installing walls with traditional doors to separate your living space, try a sliding wall. The wall will take up much less real estate and will let you divide up your tiny home as you see fit. If you’re not opting for the loft bedroom, a sliding wall can keep your bedroom nook tucked away until you’re ready for bedtime. They’re also handy for bathroom setups as you can avoid having everything out in the open and give yourself and your guests a sense of privacy despite the small space.
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