The size of a home can be one of many factors for how efficiently it is heated. You may think that a small home might present less of a challenge; however, it is still important to ensure you do not waste money or fuel with your heating plan. While living in a smaller home might help you lower your winter heating bill, here are a few additional tips that may help you save even more.

1. Consider the Heating Unit Size Carefully 
While your home may be small and not present as many challenges as a larger dwelling, choosing the proper size for your heating unit is important. A heating unit that is too small may not heat your home efficiently, and if you choose one that is too large, it will use too much fuel and energy during each heating cycle. This may result in higher energy bills. Measuring your home’s dimensions before you decide how to heat your home can help you avoid being wasteful during the next cold snap.

2. Inspect Your Home’s Duct Work
The size and condition of your home’s duct work can be an important factor on how efficiently your home is heated. Even though a small home may have fewer rooms to heat, the ducts must be the proper size and shape to ensure that each one receives the warm air.

When ducts are too narrow, uneven heating may occur. If they are too large, much of the warm air may be lost before it can reach the rooms of your home. This can cause your furnace to kick on more often because the thermostat temperature cannot be reached. If you are unsure about how efficient your home’s duct flow is, you should consider having it professionally inspected before the cold weather arrives.

3. Use Energy Saving Geothermal Heating
Geothermal heating, which heats a home by pulling heat directly from the ground, can be an energy-saving option for your small home. While a unit like this is typically more expensive to install than a traditional HVAC system, it may help you save money in the long run. If you live in Northern California, where the winter climate can range from rain to snow, you may want to consult a cooling & heating service for the Bay Area to learn more about this option and to ensure it is the best choice for your small home.

4. Consider a Mini Split System for Tiny Homes
If your home is especially small, you might want to consider using a mini split heating system, which is ductless and is designed to only heat portions of the home currently being used. For example, if you spend most of your time in the living room when you are home during the winter, you can set that zone’s thermostat to the desired temperature without having to heat the rest of the rooms. This may result in lower energy bills. A mini split should be installed by an HVAC professional to ensure that it works at maximum efficiency.

Heating a small home efficiently and without wasting money can be tricky. However, with a bit of research and planning, staying warm and cozy can be as easy and affordable as flipping the switch on your new HVAC system.

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