If I had to choose a second career, it would probably be residential architecture. I absolutely love looking at house designs and floor plans. As much as I love Craftsman architecture, bungalow architecture fits right in that category. Technically, a Craftsman is considered a bungalow. Sort of like an Eichler home is considered a ranch-style house. To use an analogy, bungalows are similar to the make of a car, but in this case a house, and a Craftsman would be the model, if that makes sense.

Tiny House Magazine
Tiny House Magazine

If you’re interested in just looking at houses, check out the Tiny House Magazine.

One favorite company I’ve come across that offers beautiful bungalow style house plans is The Bungalow Company. They offer home plans for purchase and will also help you build your home. They offer homes that range from around 1,000 square feet up to over 3,000 square feet. Each house is unique and beautiful with great floor plans.

On a side note:  building your own home can be expensive and can take quite a while. There’s finding and purchasing the land, choosing a house and floor plan that works with your family and fits within your budget, and then waiting for the house to be built on top of paying for all of it. I’m currently building a manufactured home on land I don’t own and so far it’s taken 6 months and it’s still not finished. It also isn’t cheap. I’ll soon write a post on the costs, but we’re pushing $230,000 just for the home and that doesn’t count the monthly land rental (though we do live in Los Angeles, which is an expensive city.)

But with that said, if you have the money and time to build your own home, here are a couple bungalow plans that are beautiful:

The small-ish Peony is so cute at 1,379 sq. ft.; the large porch and Craftsman elements are great:


If you’re looking for something much larger, The Oak is beautiful, though very big at 3,025 sq. ft. and comes with a finished basement:


The plans through the Bungalow Company cost a little over $2,000, but those are working blueprints. And, if you’re serious about building your own home, check out this building calculator. It’s really helpful.

Have you thought about building your own home?

*photo credit: large photos in the post is the Bungalow Company’s Windsor home.

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