I took a mini-break from finishing my Bliss Box contents last week, yet decided to wrap it up today with the creation of the Resource List. The Resource List is a list of financial websites and information to help a young couple research personal finance questions they may have, such as “Where can we pull our credit reports?” or “How long will it take me to pay off my credit card?” It even has a few dashes of wisdom on how to save money using coupons and negotiating skills for basic necessities. Why pay full price for something if you can snag a coupon somewhere, right?! *I guess that’s my first dash of wisdom!*
Resource List Topics
Credit Resources
- CreditKarma.com – Pull your Transunion score for free anytime you like! Since CreditKarma.com is a soft inquiry on your credit report, it won’t dock any points off your original score (so they claim.) They also offer some terrific calculators to figure out how long it would take for you to pay off debt or save your money.
- Bankrate.com – Find out how much you can save on a 15-year mortgage versus a 30-year mortgage by using their amortization charts. Again, a terrific calculator resource.
- AnnualCreditReport.com – Pull your free annual credit report using this site. You won’t have access to your scores without paying a fee, but at least you can review your reports to make sure the information is accurate.
- TransUnion address for disputes – TransUnion Consumer Reports, PO Box 2000, Chester, PA 19022-2000
- Experian address for disputes -Experian, P.O. Box 2104. Allen, TX 75013-2104
- Equifax address for disputes – Equifax, P.O. Box 740241. Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
- Generic Dispute Form
Bank Resources
- Bankrate.com – Compare the best savings and CD rates across the nation.
- SmartyPig.com – Internet savvy? SmartyPig.com is claiming it has the highest savings rate in the nation. Check it out and SAVE!
Affordability Resources
- Michael Bluejay – How much house can you afford? calculator is very helpful in determining what you can afford.
- Freebies for Moms – Just because it has the word “mom” in it doesn’t limit non-mom’s from using this terrific coupon and freebie site!
- Saving Cents with Sense – Lists the deals and coupons of the day.
Budgeting Resources
- Mint.com – Find out what you’re spending your money on so that you can use the budgeting worksheet more efficiently!
Financial Wisdom
- Talk about your finances together – use the checklist to help guide your discussions.
- Come up with a budget so you know where your money is going and can make a long and short term savings plan (Some reasons to save: vacation, retirement, house purchase, kids, college, grad school – not necessarily in that order 😉 )
- Make a plan to pay off debt or stay debt-free
- Try negotiating a better price on large purchases – Whether it’s a car purchase, house purchase, or rent you might be surprised to get it for less than the sticker price.
- Use coupons whenever you can – coupons don’t make you look cheap, they make you look financially savvy!
- Fess up to financial mess-ups – The worst thing is hiding it then only later having your spouse find out about it!
What other advice or resource would you add for a newlywed couple? Please feel free to add your two-bits!
I love using the calculators at hsh.com. I started using their mortgage calculator about 4 months before we actually bought a house…
Love your list! I use Credit Karma and Annual Credit Report and Smarty Pig, so I’m definitely a big supporter of your list. 🙂
@Budgeting in the Fun Stuff – Thanks for including hsh.com. I haven’t come across that one, but I love online calculators (so much easier than figuring it out on my own!). Thanks for the comment!
Sounds like an incredible thoughtful gift! 🙂
@Money Reasons – Thanks for the comment. I’ll have to put it all together in one spot, say on one page, for a more cohesive present!