Homemade Pumpkin Pie
Homemade Pumpkin Pie – courtesy of Mr. LH



Have a wonderful, safe, enjoyable Thanksgiving Day! I’ll keep this post short and sweet; My thanks go out to….

  • Mr. LH. He’s been neglected lately with all the school work I’ve been having to do on my “off time.” That will soon change come mid-December. He’s looking forward to the end with anticipation.
  • My cohort peers. They’ve been so supportive through this crash-credential semester. Thankfully, we’ve been able to lean on each other and act as cheerleaders for one another.
  • The Yakezie members. For their continued support through guest posts (thank you, thank you for providing them in a time of need!), their comments, visits, and promotion. Oh, and Sam who spearheaded this whole network. 😉
  • My family. I’m thankful I got to visit my family in New York this year and even see my brother for an afternoon (he lives in Dubai which is half way around the globe!)
  • My cats. Their cuddles are always so sweet.

Now some special thanks to my guest posters over the past few months (sorry if I forgot anyone!):

Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend!

And now a silly Thankgiving poem from my professor:

May your stuffing be tasty
may your turkey be plump,
may you potatoes and gravy
have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
and your pies take the prize,
and my your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off your thighs!

The thighs stanza made me think I’ll be sure to bike ride a little more this weekend. 🙂


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, This time of year is a great time to reflect on what you value the most. I am thankful for a great wife, family friends and personal relationships that makes life wonderful.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, LH! I, too, had to thank my fiance for being so supportive around the house, especially when I’m doing something as unimportant as “getting pretty”… and for the friends that invited us to spend thanksgiving with them when they found out we wouldn’t be with family. Take care today!

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