Now that it’s June, I realize I’m mid-way through the year and need to reevaluate my goals. Initially, my Boost My Savings goal was to save $4,500 by the end of this month. Frankly, I don’t think I’m going to make that goal. However, instead of throwing in the towel, I’m going to set a minimum goal to save at least $3,600 by the end of this month. I’m almost there, just a few hundred short.
I still look forward to summer as a time of play, yet I’ve learned to work through that feeling and still manage to take some time off to enjoy the warmer weather (like camping in the Sequoia’s this August – whoo, hoo!).
Now for some Saturday reads, enjoy:
- Live Real Now with 5 Reasons Your Wealth Isn’t Growing. 5 excellent points of why most people aren’t wealthy, such as spending more than you earn. Becoming wealthy isn’t brain surgery, it’s common sense.
- My Personal Finance Journey with When Splurging was the CORRECT Thing to Do. Just because we write about personal finance doesn’t mean we’re misers!
- Yes I am Cheap with June 1 Debt Check In. Sandy shares her status with us as she works her way through paying off $86,212 worth of debt. *GULP*
- Canadian Finance Blog with Focus on the Big Things. Stop fretting over the little expenses and focus on the larger ones.
- The Saved Quarter with June Build Your Blog Month. Penny’s timing is amazing. I was just complaining about how my blog has plateaued, but Penny has a solution! Join us as we build our blogs!
- Wealth Pilgrim with How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in 7 Years. Just because you signed on for a 30-year mortgage doesn’t mean you have to drag it out for 30-years. Make a plan to pay it off sooner!
Have a wonderful June weekend!
Thanks for including the Build Your Blog Month! I hope that it will be positive for all of our blogs, and am looking forward to seeing yours get past that plateau. 🙂
Thanks for the link!
Good job not throwing in the towel on your savings goal. Keep pushing forward. Nice collection of posts. Thanks!
@Buck Inspire – I’ll keep forging ahead. Actually, things are looking more promising in the fall so I might actually be able to meet my goal after all! Time will tell.