Want to landscape your yard for free? Or at least close to it? Craigslist has a “Free” section that’s updated on a daily basis. Free stuff goes quickly, but certain items hang around a little longer, like trees, dirt, mulch, and the like.

What’s the catch?

You often need to dig up the item and haul it away. When it comes to landscaping, the items are often large, cumbersome, and heavy. For example, in my area palm trees are available quite often. However, digging up a full-grown palm tree can be challenging and hauling it away even more so. But, there are some great finds like…

  • Mulch and wood chips
  • Dirt, dirt, and more dirt
  • Plants like Juniper Mistletoe, Jade, Golden Daisies, Onions, Bamboo, etc.
  • Masonry, tile, bricks, and broken concrete
  • Trees (often mature trees that are in someone’s way)

The trick to getting Craigslist free stuff is to jump on it that same day. Though some trees and difficult to move items may linger, the sooner you contact the listing, the better your chances of getting the item you want. Design that garden you’ve always wanted for less!

Craigslist Landscaping on the Cheap
Craigslist Landscaping on the Cheap

Have you taken advantage of free stuff on Craigslist?


  1. Money Beagle Reply

    That’s a great idea and one that I’ve never heard of. I will have to keep that in mind. Right now, way too busy! 🙂

    • @Money Beagle – Well, I’m glad I (uh, um…Mr. LH) came up with this idea. I love sharing things that others haven’t heard of before. Glad I could help!

  2. I occasionally get free stuff from Craigslist. But I’ve done better through our local university extension office. They have a seed swap cabinet.

    I also keep an eye out for gardeners dividing perennials while I’m walking the dogs. It never hurts to ask…

  3. I’ve never used Craigslist, but that’s a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. I’ve got some masonry bricks that I need to get rid of, they came with the house. I just may have to use Craigslist to get rid of those suckers.

  4. I have never thought of Craigslist for plants/mulch/etc, what a neat idea. This is one instance though where I wish I owned a truck though.

    I cannot imagine uprooting a palm tree!

    I need to look at Craigslist more often in general, thanks for the reminder!

    Hope you are doing great!

    • @Kris- I can’t imagine uprooting a palm either, but I guess if you have access to the equipment, it could be a great way to get a free tree. 😉

    • You don’t necessarily need a large truck. Just recently on CL I found some 1 year old trees that were only about 5 feet high and very simple to dig up.

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