Wise Bread
Wise Bread

Today I’m posted over at Wise Bread. I signed up for Points.com and wrote about my experience, which was mostly positive. If you’re interested in how Points.com works, or what it does, read my article.


  1. Wish I would have known about this myself – i’m definitely going to consider using it! A year ago, also found out that my frequent flier miles had expire with a certain airline. I had been in transit with boxes scattered in three different places over the previous two years, so it was just one of those things that escaped my attention. I tried calling the airline and they weren’t gong to re-instate it, but then I kept calling and calling and finally got a customer relations number that got me to the right department for me to make my case. I had to fax over my appeal (the miles had expired a year earlier) and they actually reinstated all 36,000 miles. Phew!

    • @Anna – I had heard that sometimes airlines will reinstate miles, but I’ve never tried it myself. I have to say that being able to see the points from all rewards programs on one site is really helpful. I’m hoping that this will allow me to stay on top of my rewards from now on!

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