I wanted to update our move to a manufactured house with current photos, so here’s a brief outline of how we’re getting settled in to our new little house in the valley.
- Unpacked 80 boxes. There are still about 7 left to unpack, but many of them are photos and decorations that we’re not quite ready to hang or deal with, so they’re sitting in the guest room.
- Many of our rooms are mostly unpacked and usable including the living room, office, dining room, bedroom and garage. They still have some finishing touches we have to complete, like hanging a pot rack or the television, but we are getting really close to being finished in many of the rooms.
- Garage is getting organized. We realize we need some additional shelves to really accomplish this task properly, but for now we can park the car in it and that’s a start!
- We have two pieces of furniture I think we’re going to sell. Our living room and office are configured a little differently than they were in our apartment, so we have two pieces that just don’t work in our new house. They will most likely end up on Craigslist.

Next up: decorating and getting the front yard landscaped. These two “to do’s” will happen over the next six weeks or so, especially since the community wants the yard landscaped within a specific timeframe (six weeks to be exact.) But, we have some ideas and a rough sketch of what we’re going to do, so I don’t think it’s going to be that difficult to complete.
Stay tuned for more photos of as we finish organizing and decorating our new home!