Happy Independence Day! Let me just say I can’t wait until I’m completely and utterly financially independent and free from debt. And speaking of debt and independence, I’ve put together another infographic….
I just had to play around with another template using Piktochart.com. I think I might be addicted! Here’s a visual “to-do” list that I’m working on for the summer months. (Much nicer looking than my everyday scratch pad!)
It’s sort of a simplified version of my annual goals, however, I really haven’t checked back on the first of the year resolutions I made. I guess I’ve just been too lazy to check on them and really compare what I’ve accomplished to what I wanted to accomplish by mid-way through the year. I hate to disappoint myself! I just have to remember…baby steps.
What’s your vote on the infographic? Love it or hate it?
Wow, great graphic. We’re going camping at the beach next week. It’ll be an interesting experience with a 2 years old in tow… Have a great 4th of July!
Your info-graphic is totally awesome. I like it. I like goals and manuals and everything like that when graphically depicted. I am more like a visual person so I can better see on what’s going on.
I think instead of “some debt” you should goal for “all debt”
Wow nice infographic, One can tell so much via graphics. Good to see your YoY and hope you grow this year and good to know its less erratic already. Liked your tips to spend time with loved one. Overall love your presentation. Thanks for sharing