I can’t tell you how much I’m looking to this whole next week off – thank goodness for furlough days! Of course, I have a million things to do, but not having to get up at the crack of dawn and go, go, go for hours on end (while still trying to recover from bronchitis) leaves me with a great feeling of relief. I’ll have time to catch up with my blogging, writing, cleaning, my impending to-do list of special projects I keep putting off to name a few things I hope to accomplish this week. And hopefully I’ll be able to get enough rest to get well. I’m not used to being sick for so long and my chest has had enough of the coughing fits to last quite a few years. So, for a Sunday to begin a week of vacation, here are a few great reads I came across that are worth the mention:
- I’m not much of a cook, but The Saved Quarter has been plotting out her Thanksgiving Day feast in detail, and all her dishes sound truly yummy. Here is her time line for getting all her dishes cooked and ready at the same time.
- Financial Samurai lives vicariously through other personal finance bloggers by commending the risks they take. I do something very similar every time I read Wandering Earl.
- Speaking of Wandering Earl, Earl outlines how much it costs to travel in Syria. Syria is not on my top 5 places I’d like to visit, but the fact they are willing to pay people $22 USD per hour to teach English sure sounds tempting considering the cost of living is quite low compared to that hourly rate.
- Daniel over at Sweating the Big Stuff reminds his readers of what a big fan he is of Mint.com. I don’t personally use this software, but it sounds like a terrific program for budgeting.
- I’ve been following Sandy over at Yes, I am Cheap and her trouble with the IRS – all due to a business adventure gone south. Her most current post is about how her credit score is now being impacted by this tax dilemma she is working through.
- I don’t know if chocolate is facing a shortage in the coming years like Well Heeled Blog says it is, but her post was humorous and I certainly hope she’s wrong!
- And I just had to share this post from NPR’s Planet Money about a guy’s complex mortgage. I love flow charts, but this one is way over my head.
Now I just need the motivation to being my to-do list.
Hello, I have read some of your post in the past and commented. I do not have my site anymore. But commenting because I was wondering if you could lead me to a site that would help me to purchase a very small house that is a forecloser bank owned house.
The asking price is small, and I will offer smaller, but it will need me to live in it and work on it for a least 5 years.
Anyway – any suggestions to read from you would be welcomed.
Thank you.
@Debra- I would need to know where you’re thinking of purchasing a home. I don’t know of any mortgage or bank specializing in small house foreclosures. However, you might want to look into Tumbleweed Houses or Modern Shed or Eco-Cottages. These might be an option if you can find a small piece of land for a low price. Good luck!
Thank you so much for the mention above! And I’d heard of Mint.com before but after reading Daniel’s post, that seems like something I need to explore a bit more.
.-= Earl´s last blog ..My Struggle To Understand Beirut =-.
Thanks for the highlight! Hows your hubbie’s inventions lately?
.-= Financial Samurai´s last blog ..Learn From Prince William & Kate’s Reasonably Priced Royal Wedding =-.
@Financial Samurai – He’s still brewing up new ideas. He’s hoping to rebrand FROG sometime next year and relaunch it. He also submitted a new vending idea to CoinStar (who owns RedBox) and he’s talking to their development team later next week. He also just finished up a Christmas song he’s had in his head for almost 10 years. Unfortunately everyone will have to wait until next year to hear it; we ran out of time this year. 😉