Taking a close look at your finances with your partner, spouse, or significant other may not sound like fun times, so I kept the financial information as succinct and to the point as possible. I’ve organized the topics in an easy-to-read format, added quizzes to lighten the mood, and included resources for further reading.
It’s that time of year again where many people feel the financial stress of buying presents for their families, friends and even co-workers. Unfortunately, many consumers find it all too easy to charge all of these gifts on credit cards and unless they are ZERO interest cards, these shoppers will be going into the new year with Holiday debt. Now is that any way to start the New Year? NO!
The rippling effect of this country’s economic struggles has made it much more difficult for the average household to maintain a solid financial foundation without any signs of detrimental damage. Even upper-class wealthy consumers have had to go back to the drawing board to reevaluate and revise their financial plans and budgets accordingly.
How many of us have run into people we suspect suffer from ADHD? Whether it’s a child or full-grown adult, people who appear easily…