We are officially home owners and own a little house in the valley! We closed escrow on November 30th and moved in December 5th. It was quite the journey gettingĀ to this point, but well worth the wait. The very day we moved in, Mr. LH and a couple of the movers saw a coyote in our back yard. I’m considering that good luck.

This week we’ve been unpacking tons of boxes (I think I’ve counted 75 so far with another 15 or so to go) and unwrapped most of our furniture. We’re getting settled in and deciding where to put everything so our rooms look like they came out of a magazine. (Seriously, we’re a little meticulous about design and want everything just right.) I’ll post photos of the finished rooms as they come together, but for now, I’ll post a couple photos of all of our boxes. This photo looks like a Lowe’s advertisement, doesn’t it?

Some of our boxes. (This is only a small portion)
Some of our boxes. (This is only a small portion)

And when we unpacked some of these boxes, it looked like our house exploded. Mr. LH is calling it our “house hurricane”:

House Hurricane!
House Hurricane!

Our cat, Katie, is also getting used to the new place and rolling all around our floors. More photos to come….(and I’ll post a new one of the exterior of the house as well.)

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