No matter where you live in whichever country and whichever season, you will always find yourself sweeping your floors or carpet, vacuuming it, or cleaning it, from all the outdoor dust and dirt you bring in with your shoes and other things. It is an inevitable part of life and we have the right gadgets to help us out too. The idea behind it is to draw in dirt and dust via a suction draft of air that almost inhales everything into a chamber attached to the long pole or handle.
According to popular mechanics, a vacuum cleaner is a necessity and the surprising fact is that their design and performance have not changed that much since it was first invented, in the early 1900s. Back then those cleaners did the same job that the 21st-century ones did just with less complexity and options, and this website can give you some idea of the increase of options that we have at our disposal nowadays.
The broom was invented in the early 2300 B.C., and then it was looked at again during the late 1700s, and made into a better design because this original one did not sweep very well and the wife of a Massachusetts businessman complained about it because of the bristles it was made out of, thus Dickenson, the husband, put together one using sorghum and grains instead, similar to corn, and was a strong and stiff brush, after which he started selling them to his neighbors and the rest was history.
Best Vacuums for Hardwood Floors
In some homes, floors are either wooden, carpeted, tiled, or left baren concrete floor, whatever the preference cleaning it is a breeze if you have got the right tools. Nowadays, most of us do not use traditional brooms to sweep floors, but rather automated technology has come so far as to help us with anything at a push of a button, simple, easy, and quick is the name of the game now. No one has the time to clean their houses or apartment the age-old way. And if you have the means to do it in the quickest time with better results from doing it manually, why not?
For this same reason, there are tons of household appliances that are made to clean any types of floors, and sometimes when purchasing one it can get a bit difficult to choose the one you think is best, especially with technological advancements and so many choices on store shelves. Therefore we have put this article together to help you out with some basic information that you may need before you click on that “buy now” button online or walk into an appliance store looking for a vacuum cleaner for your home. Read on.
Which Vacuum Cleaner Should You Buy?
This is an age-old question for any homeowner or person who has recently relocated or moved house. Which one should you buy? Well, there are a few to choose from and if you’re looking for one for your wooden floors or carpets, there may be a few you can choose from. Let’s look at the different types available on the market.
Canister Vacuum
If you’ve got a wooden or hardwood floor, this would possibly be the best type you could purchase. It is good on carpeted areas as well, including your car and some have even used it on their upholstery, staircases, and couches.
A suction hose is fitted onto its motor and collects all the dirt and mud or grime that’s on the floor quickly and easily without any hassles. these have the separate unit for the motor because it is easier to maneuver in those tough to reach areas. One can even say that you can use these on multiple surfaces with ease.
Upright Vacuum
Made specifically for carpeted floors in a large house, or large areas of carpet in any type of building, these versatile appliances use a motor-driven brush that firstly loosens the dirt, then sucks it up via the pole. Most of these types come with various attachments to make it easier for you to suck the dirt up in corners and edges of the carpet. They also include options to adjust the height and a one-switch-operation that is good for hardwood floors as well. If you like upright ones because you cannot bend too much, these may be the best ones for you.
Stick Option
These are also called “sweepers” and as the name implies it is like a long stick with a flat piece on the base to suck up the dirt and a small motor attached to the top of the “stick”. These are much simpler than your conventional ones and are handheld, meaning you can use one hand to operate it easily. One can say they are a combination of the upright and a handheld device.
These have been popular in cleaning up any spillage on hard floors, and have a canister-looking device that holds all the liquids or dirt, as opposed to the normal bags that the others would normally come with.
Robotic Options
Of course, we had to include this guy into the mix, otherwise we wouldn’t do you any justice in helping you choose what you need. These are possibly one of the latest designs and models available to anyone on the market. All automatic and operated via a few initial settings such as setting up the sensor boundaries and after you have chosen the appropriate settings, you let it go and it does the job on its own within the confines of the four walls.
As you would imagine from any robot cleaning device, this one is compact and cordless and clean the floors as well as anyone can. They may not be as powerful as the conventional models but they are good for those who don’t have time to do it themselves, and either live a busy lifestyle or cannot do it themselves. It’s one of the most convenient ones, we think.
We would think these would make the perfect options for any home. Happy hunting!