We are thisclose to our house being finished. It took about six weeks longer than we had hoped because we had some issues with the garage and a very slow construction company. Unfortunately, we had no control over the hiring of the construction company. But, with that said, we think we’ll be in by the end of the month first week of December. The final elements will be completed by Monday; garage door, railings on the front steps, back steps, and carpet installed.

However, even though the house will be move-in ready, we have to pass inspection on the stairs. Given that the inspector is a bit of a flake, I have to budget in a little wiggle room in case he doesn’t show up this Tuesday, which could very well happen. Another step we have to take is the closing of escrow. Since we made modifications on the house plan, we need an appraisal. If all goes well, that will happen this week. We were told escrow should only take about 5 business days, but that puts the close right about at Thanksgiving. So…..I’m going to add another business day or two. If I’m right, and we don’t run into any more hiccups, we should be scheduling our move by November 28th December 2nd or 3rd.

This House Has Taken Some Blood Sweat and Tears
Some examples of sweat:
- Mr. LH raked the surrounding perimeter of land and has realized we have very rocky soil. Each time he raked, more rocks appeared. Something we’ll have to take into consideration with our plant choices.
- Together, we hauled in 62 boxes of laminate flooring from the curb into the house. Thankfully, a neighbor and construction worker helped. We special ordered a Mohawk laminate that was really hard to find, but totally worth the effort.
Examples of blood:
- Mr. LH injured himself while raking, cutting up his leg. Nothing serious, but blood none the less.
- I scraped my knuckle on the floating floor before the laminate was installed. Again, it was just a scrape, but this house is taking a lot of mental and physical energy.
The only tears so far have been tears of joy, and I hope to keep it that way!
If you’re curious about our manufactured home, check out our page. I’ve been detailing all the steps to this point. Can’t wait to write the “We’ve Moved” post…it’s coming soon.
I’ve been wondering how things have been progressing. Thanks for the updates.
@Money Beagle – It’s going slowly, very slowly. But, it looks like we’ll be in by the end of this month. Update: first week of December.
How do you like the Mohawk laminate? We had a builder say not to use it for a basement in Pueblo CO. Have you had any problems with it? It seems like it’s being discontinued and we’re trying to figure out why. I love the look of it in your house!
@Lisa, So far we love our Mohawk laminate. We’ve had it for almost five months now and have had no problems with it. I don’t know why it would be discontinued, unless Mohawk just doesn’t sell enough of it to keep it profitable. There aren’t any other issues with it that I’m aware of. Good luck!