I swear, by 5 or 6 pm, I often wonder where the day went. Now that I’ve lapsed into a “summertime” schedule these past two weeks, getting up early (like before 8am) is difficult. I can’t say that by waking up earlier, I stay up later than normal, because I just don’t. That means my day truly has become shorter. I don’t waste time watching television or playing Farmville on Facebook, heck I barely have time to check social networking sites. But, losing those morning hours by sleeping reduces my productivity and I can’t seem to find the time to work out!
Okay, so there’s the truth. I’m not getting as much exercise as I’m used to and it’s making me grouchy.
However, starting this week I begin waking up early again (5:30 or 6 am). This means I’ll have…
- 30 minutes in the morning of exercise (I prefer bike riding – especially if I treat myself to Starbucks afterward)
- 30-minutes of blog networking (sorry, that’s about all I have time for folks!)
- 30 minutes to get ready (shower and breakfast)
- 1 1/2 hours of drive time (my summer schedule involves driving, unfortunately)
- 4 hours of summer classes (I enjoy teaching these!)
- 2 hours of assisting Mr. LH (coding websites and invoicing – this also gives me time for taking care of our personal bills)
- 1 1/2 hours of blogging (writing posts for two blogs)
- 1 hour for dinner
- 2 hours to relax before bedtime (usually with a movie)
Not a completely hectic day, but busy all the same. I’ll admit that I like a very scheduled day with a repeating routine – I just feel more productive. Give me extra time, no structured “to do” list, and the day seems to just fly by without much being accomplished. I need one of those every now and then and appreciate some down time, but on a daily basis? I like routine. 😉
Are your days routine, unscheduled, or just plain “fly by the seat of your pants”?
My days are usually pretty routine. I wish I didn’t have to dedicate around 11 hours a day to my job though!
11 hours for work is pretty brutal if it’s the same job or task. I feel like I work about 10 hours a day, but it consists of 3 different jobs, so in some ways it’s like a block schedule. 😉
Try 12. But I’m already adjusted. I don’t have the time to workout as often as I want to though. I barely have the time during weekdays. But I still manage to squeeze it in during weekends between my family and other things.
My weekdays are pretty routine, but I have to build structure into my weekends or I just let them waste away. Keep getting that exercise in though! I am ramping up for a marathon, so I am starting to budget my time to get in the workouts.
@Greg – I’ve started my new “structured” week and so far have fit in bike rides both days this week so far. If I can just keep this up (and keep getting up at 5:30am – ugh!) it will become habit!
My days fly by but are really routine and I like it that way. Sometimes things come up unplanned but for the most part I like knowing how my days are going to flow. It keeps me prepared and organized.
Damn it, I also feel the same way, where my day gone? It usually pass by me when I am busy in calls and meetings. That’s the way life is, one third of your day or more, goes in to working your back off.
Funny. I have the exact same issue. During the day when at work many times “two hours after lunch I check the clock and it is still 1:05 pm” and when I get home it is 11pm right after the dinner. When it should go fast it is slow and vice verse…
@Martin- Time has a funny way of appearing “fast” or “slow” depending on what we’re doing and where we are. Time truly is relative. 😉