I have been terrible at posting lately. Between work (teaching), school (finishing up my second credential), and life in general, I’ve hardly had time to do much of anything else, let alone post an article! However, finances are still my top priority around here:
- I’m still sticking to my quarterly goals system that worked so well last year. I posted my goals in January and probably need to take a look at them soon to make sure I’m actually going to meet them.
- We’re buying a house this year, come hell or high water. We’re sick and tired of sitting on the side lines. We’ve made a pretty good dent in our down payment savings and think we’ll be ready by late fall to purchase something. We’ve taken some aggressive measures that are paying off.
- We’re increasing our side income. I’m selling more products on every month and we’ve ramped-up our Amazon affiliate links this year. That’s helping to meet our overall savings goal.
- Our budget is on auto-pilot for now. We’ve cut back on some expenses and we seem to be spending about the same every month. I guess that’s a good thing.
We plan to get pre-approved for a home loan come late summer and with a little luck, housing prices will come down – or worst case scenario, flatten out. Southern California is uber-expensive when it comes to housing. A shanty shack that needs lots of TLC in our area is about $410,000. We’d love to come across a fixer-upper around $360,000, but I think that’s wishful thinking.
Stick with me now..I’ll have more updates eventually.
Glad to hear that things are going well. I suppose in your case no news seems to be good news 🙂
Great to hear that you’re on track and looking forward to hearing about you buying your first home!