Isn’t living in a small place awesome? There are tons of affordable, chic condos in Montreal, so finding the perfect smaller home is easy.
TaskRabbit is auctioning off a tiny house that they are building (with the help of my brother-in-law 🙂 ) in Manhattan.
With the cost of owning a house and low employment rate in the country, it is difficult to have a relaxed lifestyle. There are so many bills to pay, and a lot of necessities to buy.
Attempting to keep up with all the tiny and small house news, I seem to have overlooked The small House Catalog website. Six adorable small house illustrations grace their home page followed by real photographs, a sample of what you get when you purchase their very reasonably priced plans, an FAQ page and complementary blog.
Tiny, little, and small houses seem to be popular lately. Not surprising, with the demise of the housing boom, some people started to rethink what it means to be a homeowner. Do people/families need 2,000+ square feet to live comfortably? Can you buy a house without a mortgage? What defines a tiny, small, and little house?